How To Swaddle A Baby

How To Swaddle A Baby

4 Steps to Swaddle a Baby

Swaddling can be a great way to settle your baby to sleep as it makes them feel more secure and less likely to be disturbed from their own startle reflex.

Using a light weight wrap (preferably breathable cotton or merino wool) lay flat and fold down the top corner and place your baby so their shoulders are just below the top of the folded edge.
Gently hold the baby's arm across their abdomen in a slightly bent position and pull wrap up and over the body.
Tuck the wrap under the baby letting the baby's weight hold the wrap in place and do the same for the other arm. Fan the remaining part of the swaddle and pull the wrap up and over the body around the abdomen.
Ensure the swaddle is snug but not so tight that it restricts any movement and that hips and knees should be able to move easily. Tips for safe swaddling.

Additional swaddling suggestions:

▪︎Use swaddles/blankets such as cotton/wool/muslin
▪︎Avoid synthetic blankets where possible as they do not breathe
▪︎Follow safe sleep guidelines
▪︎ When a baby has started to roll over it's time to stop swaddling.

Tags: sleep  

Posted: Wednesday 14 September 2022
