Bonding & Attachment

Bonding & Attachment

Undisturbed skin to skin for at least an hour following birth is the very first earthside opportunity for you to bond with your baby. Baby checks/weight can wait until after this if there are no clinical indications to do this earlier.

🌟 So many postnatal parents feel they are spoiling their baby if they hold them. The exact opposite is true. Those hours spent getting to know your baby are essential. Your baby is learning trust and security. This is a great way for you to understand and respond to your baby’s cues in the first few months of life. By learning what it takes to calm and soothe your baby, you initiate trust in your primary caregiver relationship.

🌟 The importance of having fun, playing with, holding, and sharing happiness with your baby cannot be overstated. Smiles, laughter, touch, and interaction are as important to a baby’s development as food or sleep. Your body language, tone of voice, and loving touch are all important ways of communicating with your baby.

Posted: Wednesday 14 September 2022
