Safe Sleep
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Safe sleep practices to keep your baby safe while they sleep.
Place the baby in their own bed
Eliminate smoking in pregnancy
Position baby flat on their back, face up & clear
Encourage and support breastfeeding
Sudi= Sudden Unexplained Death in Infancy. Each year in New Zealand between 40- 60 babies die of SUDI the main risk factors for SUDI are smoking while pregnant, bed sharing in an unsafe way and position of your baby when they're sleeping.
Other recommendations:
Place baby at the bottom of their bed to avoid baby slipping down and blankets covering their face. No soft toys in the cot, and no hats while sleeping. Rooming in with your baby for the first six months.
Plunketline or your Plunket/Maternal Child & Health nurse can give you more information on how to reduce the risk of SUDI.
Posted: Wednesday 22 June 2022
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